
Monday 31 March 2014

Polish party : Spring Theme, Rocking Roses

Hey everyone and thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog, 
I have been inactive for a very long time cause college is getting pretty tough with my exams fast approaching ahhhh! But I have found time this month to get my polishes out and do a design, I actually painted my nails yesterday and after a day in college I received many, many compliments on my nails even of my teachers! I really like this design it's very effortless but looks amazing which makes it even better and the great thing about it is that it dosent have to be neat doing the roses messy makes them look cooler :D so here's my design ...
Oh yeah I have been collecting cheaper polishes latley for a blog post and the turquoise colour on here is actually by NYC colour, I think it is in Blue sky... But it's very good for £1.75 and dries quickly and nicely, so if your looking to bulk up your collection for dirt cheap prices, from what I've tried of the range I would reccomend. 
I took this photo whilst doing my work earlier and just stopped and decided to take a mini photoshoot of my nails, I wasted about a good 15 minutes! 

I'm just gonna apologise, one, for the bad quality my cameras been broke for a while now and I'm so poor I haven't had the money to get it fixed so I've had to deal with phone camera :( and also two, for my hands gah! I don't choose the most flattering photos! 

Anyways moving on. After seeing so many flowers designs ( and the polish party theme being spring) I decided to give the rose design a go, and for my first go I'm proud!
After some more practice I will get round to posting a 'how to ...' Post! 

Anyways, I gotta go ( and do college work *boos* ) hope you like this design, if you do leave a comment below it will probably motivate my to do a how to post, but I'm feeling lazy lately so maybe not. Gosh I sound so bad! 

Anyways speak to ya soon :) 

Love kels x